And it’s a race (race race)

by Veronica Foale on October 12, 2013

in Poetry

Someone’s dead
and it’s a race
(race race)
to Facebook, to
let the world know
you knew them when,
that you knew them before,
before they died.

And my stream is full
of RIPs and
Good bloke, him;
Such a wonderful lady
Taken too soon

and I wonder when
did we stop taking the time
to grieve in our hearts
before we announced
we were grieving
to the world?

It’s a race
(race race)
to feel important
with our loss,

And I understand
(I do, I do)
the need to reach out
to your friends,
in your time of need,
but the self important

Because this is how
I found out
that someone I loved
had died.
A glib announcement,
on a Facebook profile
and I grieved, and grieved.

I wonder,
in this race
(race race)
to feel important
with our loss,
do we forget

Alison October 12, 2013 at 8:05 pm

I understand why people are on FB, I do. But leaving FB a year ago is a decision I have never regretted, past the first two weeks. Sometimes it is better not to have any insight into what people are really like, and unfortunately what is seen cannot be unseen.

I am very sorry for your loss.

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