It smells of green

by Veronica Foale on November 6, 2011

in Navelgazing

Watching the cursor blink makes me want to walk away from the computer and stick my head in a bucket of sand.

It smells like Summer outside, all warm air and green growing things. The garden is alternating between dead and alive, depending on how tasty the plants are to slugs at any given time. I’ve hidden pools of water in nooks and crannies, all the better to coax the birds in, but the cats seem to think that I’m delivering small feathered treats just for them and the slugs continue to eat everything in sight.

This morning made me wish for a laptop and a space to sit in the early morning sun and write, but never mind. Here I am, one battered window away from the outside, writing while my children leap and scream around me.


Warmth is like a balm to my soul. I hadn’t realised how much I was hating the cold and grey until it lifted and I felt my insides loosen. Did you know that you can hold all of your muscles tightly clenched for months at a time? It doesn’t change anything, but there you go.

You could do it too I bet.

Maybe you already are.




Feel your insides unclench and your sadness rise to the top.

Stop pushing it down.

Carrying a brick is just as heavy even if you’ve forgotten that it’s there, in the pit of your stomach.

Marylin November 6, 2011 at 10:30 am

I’m at the point where I’m enjoying Autumn… crisp dry days, beautiful colours in the trees… won’t be long before I’m wishing away the winter though.
I won’t wish it away too soon though, because I know how much you love your summer, as much as I do mine. Here’s to a good one, starting off with the bloggidy wedding of the year!! xx

Marita November 6, 2011 at 10:07 pm

Somedays it takes all my spare energy just to breath and relax, for a second or two. Then everything tightens up again and I keep on going.

Torn between wishing christmas was over already and dreading the upcoming summer holidays.

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