On the issues of food

by Veronica Foale on November 14, 2011

in Family

It’s not that we’ve run out of food – we haven’t. It’s that we’ve run out of easy food. No bread, no ham, no sandwich meat. No tortillas, no tomatoes, or cucumbers, or carrots.

This is what I tell myself as I wander around the house aimlessly, looking for something for breakfast. My stomach is flip flopping between hungry and don’t you dare eat or you’ll vomit (again) and all I can think about is avocado on toast, or tomato salad – neither of which I can currently make.

Obviously this would all be easier if the supermarket wasn’t so far away and if I could actually be bothered to go food shopping today.

Which I can’t.


This is real life. Not prettied up for public consumption, with sparkling skirting boards and perfectly dressed children. My daughter has wildly tangled hair and dirt under her fingernails and my son refuses to eat anything. My fridge is empty looking and the mayonaise is past its use by date. I just found a dead tomato, weeping liquid into a drip tray.


There is a pantry full of things to make and eat. Beans, pasta, noodles, rice, canned tomatoes. Staples that we never run low on. There is a freezer containing meat and I have two kilos of chicken feet, that I keep forgetting to make into stock.

I count my blessings every time I complain that we’ve run out of ham, or there is no swiss cheese left.

I am so lucky, to be able to complain about this.

Marylin November 14, 2011 at 10:35 pm

Our first world problems, eh? x

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