Am Ow-Side!

by Veronica Foale on June 23, 2010

in Children, Family, Life

I didn’t want to go outside when my son stood wailing at the baby gate, crying for ‘ow-side!’ I wanted to stay inside and hibernate, curling up with my book and a hot drink. I didn’t want to have to do anything, just be alone inside my head.

Instead, I took him outside to join his sister in running around the paddocks.

And the look on his face was worth it as I opened the front door and he, newly clad in bright blue gumboots, clomped out to join his father.

It was worth it when we grabbed some wheat and fed the chooks and ducks, together.

It was worth it, to hear him calling duck-duck-duck-duck as he tried to chase them a little.

It was worth it.

He spent the first 10 minutes we were outside happily exclaiming ‘am ow-side! am ow-side!’

He chased a duck and paddled in the water. He stomped through a mud puddle and ran around the tyre arena. He helped to check for eggs and chased his sister.

And finally, he asked to be picked up and we came inside, to eat lunch and nap.

It was worth braving the cold and bitter wind. It was worth not getting to write what I was going to write. It was worth not curling up with a book.

It was worth all that, just to see his face light up as he called ‘Am ow-side!’ to me every few steps through the grass.

Seems I’m not the only one who hates the indoor isolation of winter.

And we’ll be going ow-side more often.

tiff June 23, 2010 at 2:53 pm

Love this post. Love it.
Makes me remember, it’s the simple things that matter the most.

Noel June 23, 2010 at 8:40 pm

I think my boys would live outside if I let them. Mason (2) charges up and down the hill and Oliver (1) does his ‘drunk man’ walk all over. Then he intimidates the rabbits and guinea pigs. Then he tries to eat something inedible. I do hope he grows out of that soon.

But yes, it really is worth it.

Marylin June 23, 2010 at 10:32 pm

Aww this has just reminded me of why we do these sort of things. I’m glad he had fun and it was worth it! xxx

HereWeGoAJen June 24, 2010 at 3:44 am

Yeah, I really should take the baby outside more often. It’s just so HOT these days. But she likes it so much. Maybe we’ll go swimming.

Annah June 24, 2010 at 9:11 am

That’s really cute 🙂 Sometimes we find ourselves suprised that things we didn’t want to do make us extremely joyful in the end.

Glen June 25, 2010 at 3:17 am

So, so often I’ve told my boys no when they ask to play because I’m doing some crappy nothing and don’t want to be disturbed. Each and every time when I remember to make myself say yes – it’s worth it. Every time.

Catherine July 16, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Such learning since becoming a mama, to step outside of our own desires and needs and put someone else’s first. (Obviously in a different way to when we do this with other adults) It’s an incredible gift they give us really. I am still learning this one too! Sometimes it’s just so annoying to have to stop what I want to do right NOW. Haha And it’s always for something so simple, and insignificant to us hey. But rewarding in so many ways.
I feel joy in reading your posts, such a talented writer you are! Wow.

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